Deals, contests and coupons in the mobile app

Your deals, contests and coupons will all appear in the mobile app as they do on the website. People can purchase deals directly in the app, or get coupons that they can use now or later. Almost all types of contests appear on the app with the exception of bracket style (March Madness) contests. Those will be added in future versions.
You can also show contests that are running on other non-revrocket websites (see the article on that)

If you have recently started a deal, coupon or contest and it isn't appearing in the app, you can sync the app (see the article on that)

Article ID: 49
Created On: Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 11:00 AM
Last Updated On: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 9:33 AM
Authored by: John Tyner []

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