How to set up your beacon (for businesses)
From your dashboard, click on the beacons link under the 'Mobile App' navigation item on the left. If you have a beacon ready for you, you will see it there. Click the gear icon to configure beacon messaging and set hours of operation.
Hours of Operation
You will need to set the beacons ‘open hours’ – the hours and days it will be ‘working’. This is so the beacon does not contact a passerby’s phone at 2am or on a day when they’re closed.
The beacon will report to the user’s phone in 2 ways.
First Sighting:
The first time the phone detects the beacon (approx 90-200 ft away depending on obstructions) it will display it's promotional message. If the user is NOT already a subscriber to the business, the message will display like a push notification.
If the user is a subscriber to the business, the phone will display a full screen overlay of either:
- A full screen image with button at the bottom
- A title, image and text with button at the bottom
- The button can be configured to just close this full screen image or take the user to a page in the app
If the user is NOT a subscriber, they will be shown a message that looks like a push notification.. see below
When the user clicks the push notification beacon message
When the user clicks the beacon notification (whether app is open or not) a stylized popup will display with the full message, a big ‘Like Us’ button, supportive text and a "don’t’ notify me” button. The "Like Us” button converts the user into a subscriber and "Don’t notify me” button makes that phone ignore any beacon from that business.
When a user ‘Likes’ (subscribes) to a business they’ll immediately see the full screen beacon image and be subscribed to push notifications from the business.
How often does a beacon ping the same phone?
This will likely change as we get feedback and learn more about user’s behavior, but at launch time this is the standard:
- Once a beacon has pinged a phone with a message, it will not show that message again to that phone for at least one day.
Article ID: 52
Created On: Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 10:13 AM
Last Updated On: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 9:39 AM
Authored by: John Tyner []
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