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How to create a coupon |
Article Number: 14 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 3:26 PM
To create a coupon:
- Log into the admin tool
- Site Admins: Navigate to 'Promotions' > 'Coupons' > 'Add Coupon'
- Business Admins: Navigate to your dashboard and click the 'Coupons' link under 'Promotions'. Then click 'Add Coupon'
Once you're on the add coupon page, fill out the fields
- Active: Must be set to 'active' for the coupon to go live
- Public visibility: You can make this appear everywhere, app only or private (by link only)
- Notify subscribers: This will send out an email and push notification to relevant subscribers when the coupon goes live.
- Coupon title, start and end time are self explanitory
- Coupon image: recommended size: 800 wide by 500 tall
- Coupon barcode: only if you want to use a single barcode for all coupons. Otherwise, the system will supply a QR code for you to manage coupon redemption.
- Coupon description: what appears on the website and app.
- Restrictions
- Expires: The date after which the coupon is no longer valid
- Form fields: You can add as many form fields as you like - there are some defaults available to choose, or you can create your own custom fields. This is the information that you can download later.
- Minimum age to enter
- Other (redemption instructions): Anything different from them bringing the coupon to your business should be detailed here.
- Like-button: You can place a like button on the entry form. When you select 'Like button' you can paste in the URLs you want to appear as like buttons. Liking a business is never required to complete the form (per facebook rules)
Save your coupon. If you set the start time to now, the coupon will be instantly live.
If you set the start time in the future, you can still preview your coupon from the admin coupons hub page.
To preview your coupon, or view it live
- Log into the admin tool
- Site Admins: Navigate to 'Promotions' > 'Coupons' > 'Manage Coupon'
- Business Admins: Navigate to your dashboard and click the 'Coupons' link under 'Promotions'.
- Find the coupon, click the 'Show Actions' button, then click the 'View Coupon' link.
Posted by: John Tyner - Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 9:13 PM This article has been viewed 641 times.
Filed Under: Coupons